Thursday, April 17, 2008

6th Cavalry - April 1862

The majority of the regiment spent the month at Camp Winfield Scott, near Ship Point at the mouth of the Poquoson River. Companies C and L, not yet at full strength, remained in Washington under the command of Captain Brisbin. The regiment's assigned strength this month was 881 officers and enlisted men in the ten active companies.

Of the 42 officers assigned, only 21 were listed as present for duty, including Assistant Surgeon J.H. Pooley. 16 of the missing 20 were on detached service. Major Lawrence A. Williams continued to command the regiment. Major J.H. Carleton, newly assigned to the regiment but never to serve a day with it, was in Los Angeles in command of the southern district of California. Captain Taylor of Company F was serving on General Sumner’s staff, and Captain Brisbin was in Washington with Companies C and L. Captain August Kautz was sick at Camp Winfield Scott, and 2nd Lt Andrew Stoll was still sick in Washington. 1stLt Frederick Dodge was serving as an aide de camp to General Craig, and 2nd Lt Stephen Balk was serving as the Deputy Provost Marshall for the brigade. The regiment had not yet heard a shot fired in anger, and two of its companies were already commanded by lieutenants.

The regiment had 840 enlisted men at the end of the month, but only 762 present for duty. Health conditions continued to improve with only 38 troopers sick in camp, though 52 remained absent sick in hospitals away from the regiment. 21 continued to serve on extra duties away from the regiment, mostly as teamsters for the Quartermaster Department. Seven troopers were in arrest or confinement within the regiment’s camp. Two troopers were absent on leave, and three were absent without leave.

Four privates were discharged for disability in April, three in Washington and one at Camp Winfield Scott on the peninsula. Five men deserted from the regiment this month, two from Alexandria and three from the peninsula. No soldiers died in April.

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